Home – 42M

When I die

Most people in the world won’t even notice, since they don’t know I exist.

Many people won’t particularly care nor find out right away, because they may only have interacted with me at a superficial level and/or too much time ago.

Some people will hopefully get a chance to think about their life for a second, but they shouldn’t be too fazed about it overall.

A few people will grieve for me, and they too will get over it at some point.

What a relief! I don’t need to take myself so seriously.

Death is widely considered a gloomy or scary topic. I disagree. I ponder over my own mortality quite often, and if anything I grow more grateful for being alive.

There’s a lot of joy and wisdom in shifting our perspective, acknowledging how fragile we are, and reminding ourselves we’re not going to live forever.

I wish we all destigmatized death, so that we could reap the benefits of talking about it lightly – without any fear or anxiety.

When I die, I won’t be able to give any more shits. But if I could, I’d rather throw a party than a funeral – to celebrate life instead of mourning a loss! 🥳️