Hi, I'm Mick!
And here I write about life, the universe, and everything.
All Articles
- The Lesser Evil β
- 42% vegan β
- JavaScript is chocolate β
- Will and wants β
- Dear alien: don't judge too quickly β
- Nothing in life β
- 5 ways to put up with a society you don't like β
- Redefine importance β
- Life is nonurgent β
- Living is urgent β
- When I die β
- Wait but why β
- Reactions: where the mind cries, the soul laughs β
- Words (to the wise) β
- A comment on "A comment on comments" β
- If you're a pedal, be a pedal β
- A half-baked post on how I eat (and the power of committing) β
- You could easily do that β
- Test scores and knowledge β
- What will you regret? β
- Stories of digital relationships β
- There's a small and a big issue... β
- A quick parable about a guesthouse β
- Knowledge, Wisdom, and Evolution (or: how my mind works) β
- On pricing and value(s) β
- Grapes, gratitude, and lemons β
- Is the answer to this question 'No'? β
- Outgrowing (others and yourself) β
- A random idea about ads β
- What makes you happy? β
- For, not about β
- The problem is not X β
- The issue with the need for reasons β
- Vivian Maier and a fire hydrant β
- I climbed down, with you by my arm, at least a million stairs β
- I started a Joy Log β
- Opposite motives, same behaviour β
- On Softness β
- Directionality (and the usual mindfuckery) β
- Only the strong can choose β
- Philocracy: Love & Power β
- Nicky Case & The Evolution of Trust β
- Hello, World! β