Home – 42M


Updated: (What is a “now page”?)

In this period, I am:

Learning to dance Lindy Hop

I’m so happy about this one! I first found out about Lindy Hop in late 2022, and I loved it from the get go.

I considered attending classes in a nearby town, but then I couldn’t. A year later, a course started in my hometown too – and I jumped at the opportunity!

I started last February, I’m still terrible, and I’m having a blast.

(As an aside: I’ve always thought dancing just wasn’t for me. Then I found out I can have a lot of fun, and I also overcome that silly bias. So, if you think you’re bad at something, don’t despair. You can still learn and have fun!)

Decluttering and selling stuff

I took moving as a chance to declutter (after putting it off for way too long).

Most of the stuff I want to give away is in good condition and potentially useful, so I’m trying to sell it.

The rest I either give it for free or, if I can’t do even that, I toss it. If it has any kind of sentimental value, I digitize it first (as a keepsake).

It’s not super urgent though, so I guess it’ll still take me a few more months.

Working as a Simplicity Web Coach

Yes, that’s a perfectly valid job title – not made up by me at all! 😜

I simplify people’s web sites through coaching plans and consultancy. Simplicity saves time, money, and energy. It can also prevent costly mistakes.

All of that doesn’t matter much if you’re not doing business. Pretty much everyone can just make a simple blog like this one (or even simpler).

But if you care about your bottom line, hiring people who have expert knowledge is often the best thing you can do.

Need anything to do with simplicity, web, or both? Head over to my business site.

Teaching Italian without teaching Italian

Basically, I teach through one-to-one conversations and active listening.

Kinda like the TEDx Teaching English without Teaching English, but with Italian.

Another difference is that Roberto Guzman is a full professor at the University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla Campus, while I am but a humble galactic hitchhiker.

So yeah, if you want to practice Italian and get better at it, feel free to reach out.

Coordinating a European Solidarity Corps project

In October 2023, my good friend Antonella from ComunitΓ  Circolare and I submitted a Citizen Science project proposal under the ESC programme.

The main idea is to make and install DIY air quality monitors in Altamura.

Our project got approved (first in national rankings!), and it officially started in April. For more information, check out ScienziAria (italian only).

Besides that, I’m also considering to invest more time and effort into Project Management and Youth Work (especially within the Erasmus+ Programme).

Blogging here and there

I am prioritizing the activities above, although as usual there’s plenty I’d like to write – and it’s about time to implement a few design tweaks.

Also, I’d still love to start working on a blog that’s been on my mind (and heart) for a few years now, although I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

(But I could be wrong, as always, and this time I really hope it is the case!)

Taking good care of myself

…or at least I’m trying! 😊️

My routines kinda collapsed recently, but that’s ok. I went through many changes, it takes time to adapt, and I surely don’t mean to fuss about it.

I’m just starting to take back control. Bar a few stressful moments, lately I’m feeling happy, calm and relaxed, and that’s the most important thing to me.

But still, it’s all too easy to forget about self-care. So, here’s reminder:

Living in the south east of Italy

Until I move again! 😁️