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Dear alien: don't judge too quickly

Imagine an alien comes visit Earth. Our fella would be eager to try a few of these things most of the earthlings go crazy about, right?

I mean: if everyone likes something, then it must be great. Right?

Unfortunately, this unlucky alien ends up eating a cheap, terrible, frozen pizza at a take-away kebab place. Or drinking watered-down wine, randomly bought in a local minimarket. Or tasting overcooked pasta in a German restaurant. Or maybe even wannabe-sushi in an Italian restaurant. You get the idea.

Imagine you’re that alien. You may be thinking food is kinda crappy over here.

But our intergalactic wayfarer’s journey does not end here. There’s one more thing to try. Not just something you eat or drink, but something to experience.

These humans seem to be obsessed about it: they write books, they sing songs, they compose poetry, they produce movies… they always talk about it.

You guessed it: our alien wants to experience love and intimacy.

But alas!

How many earthlings are good lovers? Now just picture our friend’s disappointment after a terrible one.

So… this is what all the fuss is about? For real? A person that seems only interested to use you and your body, with no joy or pleasure to be shared?

Well, my dear alien… just in case you’re reading. Let me tell you something.

And let’s be clear: I am in no way qualified to lend advice to most of my peers under most circumstances. But maybe, by virtue of my life-long experience on this blue-ish planet, I could be in the position to give you a few pointers.

Dear alien, give it another chance! Don’t be too quick to form an opinion.

Give yourself another possibility to enjoy something in which many others find enjoyment. They can’t be all wrong. Well, they can. But maybe they aren’t.

I know, I know, it’s messy. Please bear with me for a moment.

You see, we’ve got this thing called wisdom of the crowd. It basically says that a group of people know better than just one person. More eyes are better, right?

But then again, that’s not always true. Sometimes most eyes are foggy, and the eyes of your heart are the only ones who can see clearly.

Actually, you may even feel proud to disagree with most people on most subjects! In fact, all people are deeply ignorant – and most don’t even know.

I could mention the evergreen Dunning–Kruger effect, or even better share a nice quote by Bertrand Russell:

The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure, while the intelligent are full of doubt.

And here I quote none other than William Shakespeare:

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

Anyway, I digress. But at least you get to know our culture a bit more.

I don’t know how it works where you’re from, but here on Earth anything and its opposite can both be true. And more often than not, they are. Context is key.

Next time you come visiting, hit me up. I promise I’ll bring you to Napoli, so you will taste the finest pizza you’ve ever had. I mean: probably, possibly, maybe.

P.S. If you’re like me and love pointless references, the title for this post is vaguely inspired by a series of funny commercials by Ameriquest Mortgage. I’ve put here a link for your convenience, albeit I cannot guarantee it will always be working because here we also have a thing called link rot – but that’s another story for another time. (Oh well, you can always look it up on YouTube or whatever else will be used in the future.) And who knows, maybe the next post will feature a Panda? Anyhow! Enough Earth pop culture for today. Time to go back to your spacey stuff! 👽️🛸️👾️