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Life is nonurgent

Just yesterday I published a short post titled Living is urgent.

I got the point: living (whatever it might mean) always deserves to be on top of our to-do lists – no matter how busy we think we are.

But then I thought about it a little bit more, from a different angle.

In my experience, urgency often begets stress and overwhelm. I want less of it, not more. So why should I add to the list, instead of removing?

By removing I can make space to simply being, instead of doing doing doing.

Rather than getting carried away by the feeling I must do something, I can be mindful that the world won’t stop spinning if I don’t do it. I have a choice.

Before I edited it out, yesterday I had written that nothing is truly “urgent” nor “important” in the end (or at least that’s what I like to think).

Seeing life itself as urgent may lead to living fast, doing everything and going everywhere. And while I am not against being hungry, FOMO is also a thing.

I, for one, usually prefer slow food, slow travel, and a slow life. Mostly. Not at all times. After all, I like that anything and its opposite can both be true.

And so, here we are with another short reminder to take our time and enjoy:

Life is nonurgent